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Release date

14th October 2022


  • We have added a new SQL Stats Explorer report for Oracle users. This will be rolled out to to other platforms in upcoming releases. It allows reporting of SQL statistics over time for the Top n statements.
  • DBmarlin server now comes with updated versions of Java, Tomcat, PostgreSQL and TimeScaleDB containing the latest security updates and bug fixes.
  • DBmarlin server now bundles timescaledb-tune which can be run to optimise the DBmarlin PostgresSQL and TimeScaleDB settings for better performance. There are wrapper scripts for Window and Linux under scripts/dbadmin. You can run --yes (Linux) or timescaledb-tune.bat --yes (Windows) to automatically apply all suggested parameter changes and then restart PostgreSQL.
  • DBmarlin server on Windows now has a default Tomcat Heap size of 1GB and max of 2GB. For larger installations the size can be increased further by running tomcat\bin\DBmarlinTomcatw.exe and setting initial memory pool and maximum memory pool on the Java tab.
  • The left side menu now allow expand and collapse of sections.


  • Remove unnecessary console log messages.
  • Multiple fixes.

Known Issues​

  • If you enable SQL Statistics collection for CockroachDB 21.1 or below if will show zeros for statement statistics.
  • If you are monitoring a server which requires TLS v1.0 or v1.1 which are now obsolete you will need to edit ./lib/security/ to change disabledAlgorithms and restart the DBmarlin Tomcat. See this FAQ for more details.