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Release date

2nd August 2023


  • We have added 3rd-Party links from an instance to let you launch other tools. Examples of things you might like to link to could be DB consoles, log monitoring tools, other observability tools, ticketing system and more.
  • We have added a new top level SQL Search screen which lets you search for any piece of SQL text across all instances. This uses fuzzy matching so can find similar statements even if the text or formatting is slightly different.
  • CockroachDB blocking sessions (beta). We have added the Blocking Sessions feature for CockroachDB customers, which works in the same way as for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and IBM Db2. This feature displays the blocking trees for any period you choose, and you can see which tree has the most blocking time. Please contact support if you would like to try the beta.
  • Collect Blocking sessions setting in the UI for all platforms.
  • Collect Deadlocks toggle option in Instance Settings for SQL Server and Oracle.
  • Alert notifications can now be sent to PagerDuty
  • Alert notifications can now be sent to Slack


  • The toggle option "Collect Extended SQL Statistics" has now been removed from the Settings screen as it is no longer needed. The toggle option "Collect SQL Statistics" now controls when SQL Statistics are collected and the list of SQL Statistics collected is controlled by the SQL Statistic settings. Note that the same set of SQL Statistics will be collected for all instances of a given technology.


  • Upgrades from older versions from v3.3 and earlier were failing to upgrade to v3.6. With v3.7 this should no longer be a problem.

Known Issues​

  • If you are monitoring a server which requires TLS v1.0 or v1.1 which are now obsolete you will need to edit ./lib/security/ to change disabledAlgorithms and restart the DBmarlin Tomcat. See this FAQ for more details.
  • If you add an integration such as Slack or PagerDuty and then decide to delete it, you will see NullPointerExceptions in the Tomcat log file. This will be fixed in an upcoming release. For now, the best thing is to Disable the integration in the Settings screen rather than delete it entirely.