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Installation on Kubernetes


DBmarlin current only supports running a DBmarlin Remote Agent inside a container or Kubernetes pod. Running the DBmarlin Server maybe supported in the future but for now it should only be used for evaluation purposes since it cannot be upgraded.

Container image​

You can either pull a pre-built container image or build your own container image by customising the example Dockerfile.

Use the public dbmarlin-agent container image​

There is a public container image available on Docker Hub. You could pull the image via docker CLI docker pull dbmarlin/dbmarlin-agent:latest although this step is not needed for Kubernetes.

Build your own dbmarlin-agent container image​

As an alternative to the public container image, you could build you own.

There is an example Dockerfile available on GitHub You can clone the whole repo or simply download the Dockerfile there and customise it.

The image is based on Ubuntu with LANG set to en_US.utf8 but you could use a different base image, change the LANG setting and make further customisations if you needed to. In this case you would need to build your own image and push it to your own container registry.

Kubernetes deployment​

There is an example Kubernetes deployment YAML files available on GitHub You can clone the whole repo using git clone

Customizing the YAML files​

The file agent-k8s-deploy.yaml contains a Kubenetes Deployment which you will need to customise:

  1. Optional: By default it will attempt to pull the latest dbmarlin/dbmarlin-agent:latest. If you want to use a specific version of the agent you can change latest to a version tag such as 3.5.0
  2. Optional: The default resource limits are set to 256Mi-512Mi for memory and 0.5-1 for cpu. If you are monitoring a lot of databases you might need to increase these.
  3. Mandatory: Edit the 3 Environment variables DBMARLIN_AGENT_NAME DBMARLIN_ARCHIVER_URL and DBMARLIN_API_KEY (see below)
  • DBMARLIN_AGENT_NAME can be any unique identifier for your remote agent up to 50 characters in length. If it is not set then the agent name defaults to β€œdefault”, which is name of the built-in agent. It is important therefore that each agent has its own unique name.
  • DBMARLIN_ARCHIVER_URL is the URL endpoint of the archiver on your DBmarlin server. Remember to include the full URL including scheme://host:port/archiver. To reach a DBmarlin server outside of the Kubernetes cluster, you will need to expose the service (see below).
  • DBMARLIN_API_KEY is the Base64-encoded username:password for your DBmarlin server if you are using Nginx Basic Auth. If you are not using authentication then this environment variable can be omitted.

Deploying to your Kubernetes cluster​


Make sure you are pointing to the correct cluster and namespace.

Use kubectl to apply the dbmarlin-agent deployment. There is a wrapper shell script if you prefer.

kubectl apply -f agent-k8s-deploy.yaml

Removing the deployment​

Use kubectl to remove the dbmarlin-agent deployment. There is a wrapper shell script if you prefer.

kubectl delete deployment dbmarlin-agent

Connecting to a DBmarlin server outside of Kubernetes​

To make your DBmarlin server available within your Kubernetes cluster, you can create a Service of type ExternalName

For example if your DBmarlin server outside the Kubernetes cluster is running at you could make that available inside the cluster as http://staging1-external-service:9090 by applying the YAML below via kubectl. The DBMARLIN_ARCHIVER_URL env variable for your agent would then point to http://staging1-external-service:9090/archiver and that would get routed to your DBmarlin server on the outside.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: staging1-external-service
type: ExternalName
- protocol: TCP
port: 9090
targetPort: 9090


  1. Pod not started. Once you run the deployment you can use kubectl get pods to see if the pod has started. If not, check the reason. It could be that there aren't enough resources for it or maybe that it can't pull the container image.

  2. Agent can't connect to DBmarlin server. If your agent has connectivity to your DBmarlin server, it should have registered itself at startup and appear in the dropdown list of agents when you go to Settings to add a new sensor. You can also use the API endpoint http://dbmarlin-service:9090/archiver/rest/v1/agent to get a list of all agents. If the agent has not registered itself, then you can check the log files for the pod using kubectl logs dbmarlin-server-8d884577d-qxr2k (you can find the name of your pod by first running kubectl get pods)

  3. Agent can't connect to monitored database. When you add a new sensor under Settings and start it up, it will attempt to connect to the target database using the host, port, username and password you specified. It could be that one or more of these was entered incorrectly. Testing these from inside the pod where the agent is running is the best way to identify any problems. The container comes with curl installed so you can kubectl exec -it dbmarlin-agent-795859c744-mvtrs -- /bin/bash to get a shell inside the dbmarlin-agent pod (you can find the name of your pod by first running kubectl get pods). Once inside the pod you can use curl to check the the host and port can be reached. For example, if you have a mysql namespace with a mysql80 service running inside it on port 3306 you could use the following curl command to :

curl -v telnet://mysql.mysql80:3306
* Trying
* Connected to mysql.mysql80 ( port 3306 (#0)