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3rd-party links

This feature allows you to link to other 3rd-party tools from within DBmarlin.

Here are some common examples, but anything that can be launched via a URL, may be linked to.

  • Link to the DB console to administer the database (For example AWS RDS Console, Azure SQL Console, CockroachDB Console, pgAdmin etc.)
  • Link to a log monitoring tool to see the database logs (For example CloudWatch Log, ELK, Splunk, SumoLogic, Humio etc.)
  • Link to a dashboard in another monitoring tool (For example Grafana, Instana, New Relic, Dynatrace, Datadog etc.)
  • Link to a ticketing system to see open incidents or alerts (For example ServiceNow, PagerDuty, Remedy etc.)
  • Link to the phone or email of the on-call team, DBA or engineer. For this you can use URLs in the form mailto: or tel:

You can find the option to add 3rd-party links under Database Instance Settings

Once configured they will appear as a drop-down at the top of the screen for that instance by click the link icon.

Using 3rd-party links dropdown

Short video walk-through​